prof. of Tufts University and Harvard Summer School, the founder and chair of the Leadership Group (TLG). He lectures in the areas of leadership, team learning, change management, dialogue, system thinking, scenarios and organizational learning & creativity. Previously, Jerry was China’s vice president of trade at the ASOMA corporation and helped drive about $ 1 billion in trade with China. Following his work at ASOMA, Brightman became executive director of the Harvard International Marketing Institute and later became a senior advisor to Dr. Peter Senge and his organization, Innovation Associates. Jerry was also a leading instructor for the Creative Leadership Center (CCL), designing custom leadership development programs for CCL clients around the world. He did it in 111 countries.
Резюме Jerry, программа его авторского тренинга-трансформации на тему «The Art and Practice of Systems Thinking» и две 2-х дневных мастерских программы для участников саммита (топ-менеджеры и собственники) в Астане 29-30.10.18 и в Алматы 1-2.11.18 на тему “Disruptive Leadership for the Digital Age” с девизом “…The problems we face today cannot be solved with the same level of thinking that was present when the problem began…” (© Albert Einstein)